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2022 Newman Lecture: Newman on Hypocrisy & Holiness in the Life of a Christian

by Stephanie A. Mann

John Henry Cardinal Newman, before his canonization in 2019, may have been studied mostly for his controversial works like the Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, The Letter to the Duke of Norfolk, or classics like the Apologia pro Vita Sua and Idea of a University. However, as his cause for canonization progressed (and succeeded on October 13, 2019), there has been an increasing interest in his spiritual influence as an Anglican preacher in the Parochial and Plain Sermons and as the founder of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in England.

This annual Newman lecture will focus on his efforts as the Vicar of the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin in Oxford to help his congregation free themselves from the corruptions of what he called the “Religion of the Day” and their comforts as part of the establishment in England to lead true Christian lives, loving God fully, and avoiding the besetting sin of hypocrisy.

The continuity of that effort will also be briefly explored through some of his Meditations and Devotions, prepared for the boys of the Oratory School in Birmingham.


2022 Newman Lecture presented by Stephanie A. Mann at 9 am on Thursday, June 2 at Newman University, Gerber Room 105.

STEPHANIE A. MANN has carved out a niche as a specialist on the English Reformation, on the Catholic Martyrs of England and Wales, St. John Henry Newman, and historical apologetics for national Catholic media like EWTN TV and Radio, Ave Maria Radio, Crisis Magazine, Catholic World Report, and the National Catholic Register. Her book, Supremacy and Survival: How Catholics Endured the English Reformation, is available from Eighth Day Books. This summer she is teaching THEO 6543 - John Henry Newman and the New Evangelization at Newman University. She belongs to a group that meets monthly to read a Newman sermon out loud to experience and meditate upon his insights into the Christian life.

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