As you read through today’s issue of Microsynaxis, if you are encouraged, challenged, enlightened, or find any value whatsoever in this labor of love, please consider joining the community of Eighth Day Members at any level.
1. Bible & Fathers: “The Foundation of Prayer” by St. Macarius of Egypt
Thursday: Col. 4:2-9. Lk. 11:47-54; 12:1. Online here.
Friday: Heb. 8:1-6. Lk. 12:8-12. Online here.
Saturday: 2 Cor. 5:1-10. Lk. 9:1-6. Online here.
Sunday: Heb. 2:2-10. Lk. 8:41-56. Online here.
Today’s Patristic Word comes from a fourth-century desert father on the most fundamental practice of the spiritual life. Here’s the opening of the sixth of fifty spiritual homilies by St Macarius of Egypt:
The true foundation of prayer is this: to be very vigilant over thoughts and to pray in much tranquility and peace in order not to be a source of offense to others. For such a person, if he received God’s grace, will pray to the end in tranquility and will edify many others much more. “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace” (1 Cor. 14.33).
Read the rest of the excerpt from homily six here. The full homily will be included in Synaxis this weekend.
2. Books & Culture: The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal by St John the Forerunner Monastery
The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal draws on letters, testimonies, diaries, memoirs, and other texts never before published in English to present a unique biography of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. The work aims to present the Royal Martyrs through the prism of their spiritual grandeur and the purity of their souls. A lively portrait of the royal family emerges from their own personal writings and in the writings of those who lived very close to them. The result is a psychographic biography that explores the essential character of the royal family in a deeper and inspiring way. Historians who worked on the project include Nicholas B. A. Nicholson, Helen Azar, and Helen Rappaport, all noted specialists in Romanov history. The book features a 48-page color photo insert. The acclaimed Russian artist Olga Shirnina colorized these high-quality images which appear here in print for the first time. Available in North America in late October 2019.
516 pp. paper $40.00
Get your copy from Eighth Day Books here (the exclusive supplier in the U.S.).
3. Essays: “An American Shrine to Honor the Russian Royal Martyrs” by Andrew Gould
To learn more about the Royal Martyrs, check out these beautiful (but a bit graphic at the execution) videographical recreations of the arrest and assasination of the Romanov family. They are “published in the framework of the project for the book “The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal.”
The Martyrdom: Murder of the Romanovs – Part I
The Martyrdom: Murder of the Romanovs – Part II
And then check out this article about the creation of a remarkably beautiful American shrine and reliquary for the Russian Royal Martyrs, “commissioned by an American convert to Orthodoxy as a gift to the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, a Russian Orthodox monastery in West Virginia, USA.”
The donor and monastery requested a shrine that would reflect the very best of American furniture design and craftsmanship—to unite this cultural heritage with the traditional liturgical form of an icon kiot and reliquary. Since it would hold relics of royal saints it would be fitting for it to exhibit particular splendor and refinement. A second kiot was to hold a reliquary of the Optina Elders.
Read the whole piece here (it’s full of great photos).
Finally, don’t forget, if you’ve been encouraged, challenged, enlightened, or found any value whatsoever in my labor of love through Microsynaxis (or any of the other many EDI endeavors), please do consider supporting the work of renewing culture by joining the community of Eighth Day Members. Among many other perks, you’ll begin receiving the weekly member’s issue of Synaxis, which this coming weekend will include:
Thanks for considering!
In Christ,
Erin "John" Doom
Eighth Day Institute, Founder & Director
In an isolating secularized culture where the Church's voice is muffled through her many divisions, Christians need all the help they can get to strengthen their faith in God and love toward their neighbor. Eighth Day Institute offers hope to all Christians through our adherence to the Nicene faith, our ecumenical dialogues of love and truth, and our many events and publications to strengthen faith, grow in wisdom, and foster Christian friendships of love. Will you join us in our efforts to renew soul & city? Donate today and join the community of Eighth Day Members who are working together to renew culture through faith & learning.
January 2025
5pm Ray Anderson Theological Task Force
6am "Ironmen"
4pm Cappadocian Society
7:30am Prayer Group - Hill
5pm Ray Anderson Theological Task Force
6am "Ironmen"
4pm Cappadocian Society
7pm Hall of Men
7:30am Prayer Group - Hill
6pm Chesterton Society
5pm Ray Anderson Theological Task Force
6am "Ironmen"
4pm Cappadocian Society
7:30am Prayer Group - Hill
5pm Ray Anderson Theological Task Force
4pm Preaching Colloquium
6:30pm Sisters of Sophia
6am "Ironmen"
4pm Cappadocian Society
7pm Hall of Men
7:30am Prayer Group - Hill
7am "Ironmen"
5pm Ray Anderson Theological Task Force
6am "Ironmen"
4pm Cappadocian Society
7:30am Prayer Group - Hill
Eighth Day Institute at The Ladder
2836 E. Douglas Ave.
Wichita, KS 67214
©Eighth Day Institute 2019