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Harry Potter & the Ascension

by Erin Doom

Feast of the Ascension (East)
Anno Domini 2020, May 28

1. Essays et al: “The Christianity of Harry Potter”
Bradley Birzer discovered Harry Potter in A.D. 2000. Before his flight to Houston he picked up a copy of the first book. Here’s what happened:

From the moment I sat down for that flight, I found myself utterly immersed in J.K. Rowling’s world.

In part, my interest was purely academic. I was already writing a book on J.R.R. Tolkien, and I found this new book a wonder. Tolkien had argued that fantasy could never be set in the modern world as the technology of the modern era would ruin the atmosphere. While I would never claim that Ms. Rowling’s writing to be at the level of Tolkien’s (not even on the same plane of existence!), I was taken with the author’s ability to set such a profoundly imaginary world in the midst of our own whirligig.

In equal part, however, my interest was purely selfish. I found the book absorbing at the level of pure gut-entertainment. The cleverness of it all, the character stereotypes, the Arthurian element of Harry, the inventions, the heroism. From the outset, it seemed rather clear to me that Ms. Rowling knew her mythology—Celtic, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and classical—and that a sense of Christian charity and justice pervaded the book.

After devouring them all (and being deeply disappointed with the seventh and final volume), here’s what he has to say about them:

Whatever J. K. Rowling’s own political, cultural, and social stances as expressed may be—her retroactively labeling the main mentor-wizard of the Potter series a homosexual and her disappointment with the previous pope give clues to her leftist leanings—the books are, for the most part, deeply traditionalist and humane. Perhaps even more deeply, they are Christian.

2. Books & Culture: J. K. Rowling’s The Ickabod
Rowling wrote the first draft of her newest children’s book “in fits and starts between Potter books.” It’s now been sitting up in her attic for almost a decade. But she finally decided to publish it for children in lockdown…for free! Written as a read-aloud book and suitable for 7-9 year olds to read on their own, Rowling began posting a chapter or two each weekday on May 26. 

Here’s Rowling’s introduction to the new bookAnd you can begin reading the book today at The Ickabod website here

3. Bible & Fathers: St Gregory Palamas on the Ascension
Today is the Feast of the Ascension in the East. I posted the opening of St Gregory Palamas’ homily on the ascension last week for the West’s celebration. You can read it hereThe homily continues in today’s post:

Do you see that any of us who wishes will share in the Lord’s resurrection, and will be an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ (cf. Rom. 8:17)? That is why we joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our human nature, its exaltation and sitting down on high, and also the starting point of the resurrection and ascension of each of the faithful, publicly proclaiming the words of today’s Gospel reading, that when the Lord had risen, He stood in the midst of His disciples (Lk. 24:36-53).

Why did He stand in their midst and afterwards accompany them?

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