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Are You Shining Forth as an Example?

YOU ARE living with a most grievous infirmity, and yet you are more cheerful than those who are thriving physically and swelling with pride. And you are not being worn down by insults, or being puffed up with honors and glory – which have been the cause of a myriad of evils, even for many in the priesthood who were brilliant, who had reached great old age, who were extremely venerable, and yet they suddenly slipped and lay exposed as a common spectacle for those wishing to ridicule them.

But you, a woman encompassed with a body as frail as a spider’s web, and receiving such attacks – not only have you not suffered such a fall, but you have also prevented many others from falling. There are many who go forward into battle; but from the beginning, from the very starting gate, so to speak, they are defeated. And you, who have circled the last post a myriad of times, and have in each race seized the prize – you have shone forth as an example in various kinds of contests and struggles. And this is entirely natural: for in contests of virtue, neither one’s age nor one’s body matters, but only one’s spirit and purpose. Thus women have been crowned, and men have been thrown down; thus children have been proclaimed victors, and old men have been covered with shame.

It is always needful to admire those who pursue virtue – but especially when a great number abandon it, when one can scarcely find anyone laying hold of it. On account of this, it is completely fitting to marvel at your grace, when so many men, women, old men, those seeming to have great recognition, are turning away and falling prostrate before the eyes of all – and this, not due to the great intensity of the warfare, or from the fearsomeness of the enemy’s battle array; but they are falling down even before the attack, being defeated even before the struggle. While you – after such battles and onslaughts – not only have not weakened, neither have you been troubled by the flood of evils; but you are all the more vigorous, and the increase of struggles provides an increase to your strength. So the memory of your virtuous deeds can become the basis for your cheerfulness and joy, and greater zeal.

Therefore we rejoice, we leap for joy, we are filled with gladness. And I will not cease saying this continually and carrying everywhere the basis of my joy. And if our separation grieves you, your virtues should be a great consolation for you. As for us, even though we are banished to such a great distance, in speaking of your courage we reap the fruit of not a little gladness. ~St. John Chrysostom, Letter Twelve to St. Olympias the Deaconess

Feast of St. Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome
Anno Domini 2019, April 13

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