Blog - Synaxis


By Erin Doom November 10, 2021
by Erin Doom Feast of St Orestes the Martyr of Cappadocia Anno Domini 2021, November 10
By Erin Doom May 15, 2021
by Erin Doom Feast of St Pachomius the Great, Founder of Coenobitic Monasticism Anno Domini 2021, May 15
By Erin Doom February 27, 2021
In today's Synaxis: Holy Saturday Lamentations,;"I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel" by St Sophronius of Jerusalem; "A Sonnet for St Benedict" by Malcolm Guite; "Benedictine Poetry and the Restoration of Christian Culture" by Christopher Fisher; "On the Poetics of Monasticism" by St John Henry Newman; "An Improbable Guide to St Benedict" by Brandon Buerge; "Patrick Doom: A Hero Worthy of Imitation" by Erin Doom.
By Erin Doom February 13, 2021
by Erin Doom Feast of the Appearance of Christ to Saint Martin of Tours Anno Domini 2021, February 13
By Erin Doom January 23, 2021
In this issue of Synaxis: "Holy Synaxis: The Entrance" by St. Maximus the Confessor; "An Allegorical Interpretation of the Prophet Ezekiel's Vision" by St. Macarius the Great; Canto XXV of Paradiso on Hope by Dante; Eighth Day Books Review of The Feast of Friendship by Fr Paul O'Callaghan; "The Christian Hope" by Kathleen Bliss; "The Obscurity of Hope and Despair" by Josef Pieper; and "On Starets Silouan" by Fr. Georges Florovsky.
By Erin Doom January 10, 2021
In this issue of Synaxis: "His Rod, His Staff: Every Reason for Hope" by Anthony Esolen; "Reflections on American Order" by Russell Kirk; "The Return to Paganism and the Desecration of Self-Government" by Jonathan Silver; "The Birth of the New Adam, Our Renewal" by Fr. Calinic Berger; "Hope Surprises God by Charles Péguy; Oration 38 by St Gregory the Theologian in new print edition of A Word from the Fathers; Theophany and Synaxis of the Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John; John 1:29-34.
By Erin Doom November 2, 2020
In this issue of Synaxis: “Three Foes of the Family” by G. K. Chesterton; “The Tutelar of the Place” by David Jones; “The Country of the Blind” by C. S. Lewis; “The Hero Is the Hobbit: A Review of The Fellowship of the Ring” by W. H. Auden; “David Jones: History & Sacrament as Home” by Fr. Gabriel Rochelle; “Oikophilia: An Invitation to Join David Jones in His Home of Sacrament & History” by Fr. Gabriel Rochelle; “Saving the Shire: Ascetic Renunciation and Love of Home in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings” by Richard Rohlin; “Visions of Paradise: Three Toasts to the Inklings” by Richard Rohlin
By Erin Doom October 26, 2020
by Erin Doom Feast of the Holy, Glorious Demetrius the Myrrh-streamer of Thessalonica Anno Domini 2020, October 26
By Mark Mosley April 18, 2020
In a strange twist of events, COVID-19 has stripped down my life. All the activities are now gone and, because of the nature of my job right now, I live in quarantine—a separate part of the house, no TV, radio, or human contact. Under this “pathological monasticism,” I read the Daily Synaxis for the first time.
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