Blog - Liturgy


By Eric Peterson January 2, 2024
by Eric Peterson Commemoration of St Cosmas, Archbishop of Constantinople Anno Domini 2024, January 2
By Fr Thomas Hopko December 28, 2023
by Fr. Thomas Hopko Commemoration of the 20,000 Martyrs Burned in Nicomedia Anno Domini 2023, December 28
By Monk of the Eastern Church December 27, 2023
by a Monk of the Eastern Church Feast of St Stephen the Archdeacon & First Martyr Third Day of Christmas Anno Domini 2023, December 27
By St Ambrose of Milan December 7, 2022
by St Ambrose of Milan Feast of St Ambrose, Bishop of Milan Anno Domini 2022, December 7
By St John of Damascus June 30, 2022
by St John of Damascus Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles Anno Domini 2022, June 30
By St John of Damascus June 30, 2022
Where is the pleasure in life which is unmixed with sorrow? Where the glory which on earth has stood firm and unchanged? All things are weaker than shadow, all more illusive than dreams; comes one fell stroke, and Death in turn, prevails over all these vanities. Wherefore in the Light, O Christ, of Your countenance, the sweetness of Your beauty, to him (her) whom You have chosen grant repose, for You are the Friend of Mankind.
By Orthodox Service of Marriage January 7, 2022
Thou, O Lord, hast declared that a pledge should be given and confirmed in all things. By a ring power was given to Joseph in Egypt; by a ring was Daniel glorified in the land of Babylon; by a ring was the uprightness of Tamar was revealed; by a ring our heavenly Father showed His bounty upon His Son
May 31, 2021
An Order of Baptism for Occasional Use from the Mozarabic Rite in The Liber Ordinum. 6th-7th century Spain; 11th century manuscript (A.D. 1052).
By Colgan Ua Duinchdhán March 13, 2021
O holy Jesus. / O gentle Friend. / O morning Star. / O midday bejewelled Sun. / O brilliant Flame of the upright and of uprightness, of everlasting life and of eternity. / O Fountain ever new and everlasting
By St Maximus the Confessor January 22, 2021
the first entrance of the bishop into the holy Church for the sacred synaxis is a figure and image of the first appearance in the flesh of Jesus Christ the son of God and our Savior in this world. By it He freed human nature which has been enslaved by corruption, betrayed through its own fault to death because of sin, tyrannically dominated by the devil.
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